Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The way out.

For the last few days, I am caught in a dilemma. The fact that I have given myself enough liberty to let my horses set off, I feel a bit constrained in getting out of typical thought process. I have tried almost everything (even some unmentionables), but they have evaded fruition. So, I come here with a hope, a hope that I will have something to break off from these cobwebs and shackles which have constrained the way I think.
Businesses, as they say, are engendered in mind. Mere whims and fancies won't help them realize into reality. The ingredients which go into making a business great are umpteen, some innate and some borrowed, but the underlying principle behind all of them is an idea. So, how do we pick that diamond among various pearls which embellish our constructive way of thinking? Mind you, it's only one and it's very objective. Your diamond will entirely be different from others' choice! So how do you prepare yourself for the pursuit of that ultimate jewel, if there's any? Precisely these are the thoughts (among many) which have pushed me to take this course. I am not seeking any particular idea, but ways to identify those!
When you go out to a market, you will find hordes of business men, busy and successful in their own ways and definitions. The one at the kiosk, too, is a businessman. What if he can't boast of earth shattering revenues, it's his own doing! But then again, we have two sets of outlook for this. One is being pursued for subsistence and another for passion. Is there any ideology, which can assign a degree of "holier-than-thou" factor to both of these? If there is one, it is inherently flawed. Both are being driven by desire. One comes from material desires and other comes from your inner desire. It's your desire which keeps on pushing you to go for your goal. Pursuit of passion is not everyone's cup of tea. When you are doing well, it's more difficult to virtually renounce what you are having to go for something whose yields are all in numbers of probability. These unchartered waters are for those who are really driven by passion and bedazzled by it, so that they can't see any reason beyond what appears to be their domain. And it is here where you are tested out of your comfort zone. A mathematical wizard being put to test on his views about zoology. A summit unseen and unheard of before, waiting for only such guys. The glory associated with such a feat is unparalleled. Nothing to take away from the success stories of the general ilk, they too have their reasons to continue doing what they have chosen to do. But, I am looking for something which will test me thoroughly for something I never had any prior experience of doing, and not for something which I would always know that I was capable of doing. It's a different fact altogether that the later will come automatically with experience, lest you have not failed to achieve such a thing.
Is there any novel idea of arriving upon a winning idea? I know for sure that there's no definite formula for it. Success is not a function of predefined inputs. When I say this, I don't want to imply that there are no precursors to it. As they say, hard work, indefatigable attitude et al sure make up for the success. But it's the degree of sincerity attached with each one of these traits, which ultimately decides the color of the outcome. "I am sincere" just won't work unless you have found out the degree of difference in your sincerity and those of others who are fighting it out with you to assail that elusive peak! Greater the difference, greater are your chances of being the ones to arrive early!
What are the odds of unearthing such an idea? It's not that I am lacking in ideas, but can't decide upon its worthiness! I start with the simplest of them all and turn to look at the various levels of difficulties it might have to face. This is precisely the phase where most of my ideas wither away. It has happened inummerable times and I will not let it carry on. There has to be a stop somehwhere. And I need that guiding light. As they say its more likely to come from within, I am eagerly waiting for that to happen and would let my horses loose. Let them pick something for me. It is time!!